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Effect of salidroside

Date:2022-08-29   Visits:1122

Salidroside is a nutrient extracted from rhodiola. It has good anti fatigue and anti-oxidation effects.

1、 Anti hypoxia and anti fatigue:

Salidroside can accelerate blood circulation by preventing capillary contraction, and improve the adaptability to hypoxia environment. Salidroside can increase the body ATP content, reduce the formation of blood lactic acid, increase the content of creatine phosphokinase, and increase the content of total serum protein, thus improving the fatigue caused by a lot of exercise.

2、 Anti aging effect:

Salidroside extract can improve the activity of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase in vivo, reduce the content of hydroxyl radicals in tissues, and protect tissue proteins and cell membranes. It can promote the growth and proliferation of fibroblasts, reduce cell mortality, prevent the formation of lipofuscin in liver cells, inhibit the formation of lipid peroxidation in liver cells, and improve the activity of serum SOD. It can enhance the ability of the body to eliminate free radicals, prevent peroxidation, thus promoting cell metabolism and synthesis, promoting cell growth, improving cell vitality, and achieving the anti-aging effect.

3、 Effects on central nervous system:

Salidroside enhances the activity of the central nervous system mainly by regulating the concentration and activity of monoamines (such as 52 hydroxytryptamine, 52 hydroxytryptamine and noradrenaline) located in the cerebral cortex, brain stem and hypothalamus. In addition to the central role, salidroside can also significantly reduce the percentage of apoptosis and necrosis of nerve cells, reduce the concentration of intracellular Ca2+, reduce the release of LDH, inhibit apoptosis and protect nerve cells.

4、 Antiviral and anti-tumor effects:

Salidroside can inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells by interfering with cell metabolism and changing the characteristics of cell coat. It is proved that salidroside has anti-tumor effect. The researchers' research on the antiviral effect of salidroside polysaccharide shows that salidroside polysaccharide has a significant and strong inhibitory effect on the proliferation of coxsackie virus B3 and B5.

5、 Radiation resistance:

Salidroside can resist the influence of X-ray radiation and microwave radiation on human body, reduce the damage of X-ray radiation on spleen cells, reduce the production of abnormal red blood cells in peripheral blood, and reduce the lipid peroxide in the heart and liver.

6、 Strengthen immunity:

Salidroside can increase the percentage of T lymphocytes in peripheral blood of mice, and make the weight and index of spleen and thymus significantly higher than that of the control group.

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