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Brief introduction to polyglutamic acid

Date:2022-08-27   Visits:1136

Poly (glutamic acid) is a kind of bio-polymer carrier material. As a biodegradable green polymer material, it has attracted more and more attention. It has the advantages of good water solubility, super adsorption, non-toxic and harmless, and can be completely biodegradable. Next, the advantages of polyglutamic acid will be described in detail.。

Advantages of polyglutamic acid:

1. Super hydrophilic and water and fertilizer retention ability. Viscosity properties of poly (glutamic acid in poly glutamic acid in plant root hair after contact with the soil surface form a layer of film, which not only has the function of protecting hair and close contact for soil nutrient and moisture and hair provides a better platform for the transportation, can effectively improve the soil nutrient and water dissolved, storage, transportation, storage and transportation, transportation and absorption of fertilizer.

2. Biological stimulation function. 5-7 days after application of polyglutamate leaves turn green and thick, grow textured and erect. Within 15 days, root hairs will develop by 15%, which can increase fertilizer utilization by 20%, increase average crop yield by 10-25%, and increase root crop yield by more than 60%.

What does polyglutamate do? Discover the magical effects of polyglutamate on functional growth!

Polyglutamate is an agricultural fertilizer that can provide good soil buffering capacity, balance soil acid base and salt, and increase fertilizer utilization from 30-35% to 40-50%.

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Shanghai Huamao Pharmaceutical Co., LTD
  • Address:789 Shennan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
  • Tel:+86-021-34073985(34073986)
  • Sales telephone:+86-021-64892789(sale) +86-021-64896598
  • Contacts:+86-13501859599(Mr.Wu)
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