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Efficacy and action of arbutin

Date:2022-08-17   Visits:1209

The efficacy and function of arbutin

1. Arbutin can whiten skin and reduce melanin deposition on the epidermis.

2. Arbutin can close the pores and tighten the skin.

Arbutin is good for the skin. It is a pure plant extract, high safety, not prone to allergic reactions. Arbutin can effectively prevent the reproduction of melanin. Skin tone will become more even.

Today, arbutin is also widely used in many skin care products. Many skincare products also add arbutin, which is considered safe and effective.

While using arbutin to whiten the skin, we also need to pay attention to skin care. For example, we need to replenish the skin with enough water every day to effectively suppress the color spots and melasma.

The reason the skin is stained is that these lesions are actually caused by the lack of water at the root of the skin. Therefore, in addition to whitening ingredients, we should also supplement the skin with more water and sunscreen. This is also a good way to help the skin regain its white texture in a multi-pronged manner.

Matters needing attention

1. After replacing skin with arbutin, avoid light and sunscreen.

2. Do not apply harsh cosmetics externally.

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