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The efficacy and action of econtoine

Date:2022-08-11   Visits:1144

Endocytoin, chemically known as tetrahydromethylpyrimidine carboxylic acid/tetrahydropyrimidine, is an amino acid derivative. Its original source is a salt lake in Egypt. Although there is very little life in the highly concentrated salt lake, one type of bacteria still survives. This is halophilic bacteria.

(1) Moisturize

One of the reasons that ectoine allows halophilic bacteria to survive in extreme environments is that it regulates osmotic pressure.

It is a very strong hydrophilic substance. Despite its very small molecular weight, it can reduce skin water loss by binding to water molecules in the surrounding environment to form a "hydration shell" around cells and proteins, similar to a stable protective film.

This is also one of the basic functions of the ediocorticoid: moisturizing/locking water.

The presence of this protective shell also allows for the following additional effects of ectoine when moisturizing.

(2) Improve skin protection ability

It is because of its ability to combine with water molecules to form a protective shell that, in addition to preventing skin moisture loss, it can also be used as a "wall" to protect the skin from external irritation and damage, nourish and stabilize the skin, and enhance the skin's ability to resist UV rays and pollution.

(3) Slow repair

Endocine is also a very useful repair ingredient, especially when the skin is sensitive, the barrier is damaged, acne is broken, and the skin is tingling and redness after sunburn. Choose this ingredient can play a certain role in relieving the skin, skin vulnerability and discomfort will gradually improve.

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  • Tel:+86-021-34073985(34073986)
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  • Contacts:+86-13501859599(Mr.Wu)
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